Apulian Cantucci by Francesca

Cantucci pugliesi - bb belvedere

Apulian Cantucci by Francesca

Our almond cantucci are typical bakery products of many regions and that we wanted to re-propose for our customers in an Apulian key.

Cantucci have a particular preparation and are excellent both in the morning and at the end of the meal with a good glass of Muscat or red wine.


280 gr of “00” flour

150 grams of granulated sugar

130 gr of peeled almonds

2 whole eggs

1 lemon peel

1 orange peel


1 tablespoon baking powder

1 pinch of salt

EVO oil q.s.
Cantucci have a particular preparation and are excellent both in the morning and at the end of the meal with a good glass of Muscat or red wine.

How do we advise you to prepare them?

On a shelf mix sugar, eggs, lemon and orange peel, salt, vanilla; add the flour and baking powder and knead by hand for a few seconds.

Add the almonds, knead for a few seconds so that the almonds blend well with the dough; after this, divide the dough in half and with the help of a pinch of flour, make two loaves about 3 cm wide.

Arrange the loaves on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for 15-18 minutes until the loaves swell and take on color.

Once cooked, let it cool for a few minutes and then, with a blade, cut the loaves into 1.5 – 2 cm thick pieces.

Once you have the cantucci, turn them over, put them back in the pan and cook for about 4 minutes per side, after which the cantucci will be ready.


Francesca's advice: do not serve them hot, wait a few minutes, and to keep them I recommend that you place them in a tin container or in a “frost” type envelope.

Generally, once stored, they should be consumed within 2 – 3 weeks.

If you have any doubts, write us an email to info@ctbelvedere.it or a whatsapp message to the number 345 8428735 or ask for more info here in the structure, we will be happy to give you the best advice to better prepare your desserts.

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